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ECGs by Example
'ECGs by Example' notes on the book
This is the official webpage for acknowledgements and superfluous trivia associated with our ECG book.
ECGs by Example. Jenkins + Gerred
3rd Edition Published 2011, Elsevier
(ISBN 978-0-7020-4228-7).
Authors: Dean Jenkins and Stephen Gerred
Section 1 - supraventricular rhythms
- normal sinus rhythm is Dean Jenkins
- sinus arrhythmia is Gowan Creamer then a House Surgeon at Waikato
- AVRT antidromic was supplied by Michael Belz
- SVT with aberrancy was supplied by David Nicholls now a medical registrar in Wellington
Section 2 - Ventricular rhythms
- polymorphic VT was supplied by the CCU at Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport, Wales
- Ventricular flutter was the most difficult recording to scan, clean and reproduce and took Stephen Gerred several weeks to finish.
- Ventricular fibrillation - the story is true!
Section 3 - Bundle Branch Block
- incomplete RBBB is Stephen Gerred
Section 6 - Ischaemic Heart Disease
- Acute anteroseptal MI - This recording has been borrowed by the University of Wales College of Medicine for their 1st Clinical Year Medical Block Assessment
- Acute Inferior MI was the first recording to be scanned and reprinted by us. We made it difficult to see that the process would work. It was photocopied crumpled into a ball, flattened and photocopied again before scanning.
- Very early acute inferior MI was supplied by David Nicholls
- Acute right ventricular MI - OK the box showing V4R was added so it was a little cheat.
Section 7 - Hypertrophy Patterns
Section 8 - Systemic disorders and drug effects
- Hyperkalaemia subtle changes - with thanks to Dr Carl Horsley.
Section 9 - Technical issues
- Electrical and muscular interference recordings were supplied by Mrs Carol Rough, ECG Technician, Waikato Hospital, Hamilton, NZ.
- 'Technical' Dextrocardia was taken from Walter Flapper who was a Kiwi Medical student visiting the Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport, Wales.
Section 10 - Miscellaneous
- Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dyslplasia - thanks to Dr Tim Sutton
- Pericarditis was supplied by Dr Peter Williams, Rheumatologist, Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport, Wales.
- Pericardial effusion with electrical alternans - thanks to Dr Mick Bialas
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This page was last updated on 18th June 2014. Dean Jenkins.