About this library and its librarians

An electrocardiogram (ECG) is an electrical recording of the heart and is used in the investigation of heart disease. We are keen collectors of ECGs for teaching purposes and have built this collection over the past 20 years alongside the production of our book ECGs by Example.

Dean is an Honorary Consultant Physician at Royal Cornwall Hospital, UK. http://about.me/deanjenkins

Stephen is a Consultant Physician at Middlemore Hospital, New Zealand.


May 2017. Redesigned template for better mobile-friendly ECG pages. The zooming on small screens is now possible to view the ECGs. Inferior MI updated

© Copyright ECG Library 1995 - 2017. Dr Dean Jenkins and Dr Stephen Gerred.
The ECGs and associated images on ecglibrary.com may only be used with the permission of the authors. We have allowed their use in numerous books, web projects, and educational software packages. ECG Library is an educational resouce from the authors of ECGs by Example, 3rd Edition, Churchill Livingstone