An 84 year old lady with hypertension.

Left anterior hemiblock, LVH, LAH, and long PR

Left anterior hemiblock, LVH, LAH, and long PR

There are a number of abnormalities here.

  • left anterior hemiblock
    • QRS axis more left than -30 degrees
    • initial R wave in the inferior leads (II, III and aVF)
    • absence of any other cause of left axis deviation
  • left ventricular hypertrophy
    • In the presence of left anterior hemiblock the diagnostic criteria of LVH are changed. Rosenbaum suggested that an S wave in lead III deeper than 15 mm as predictive of LVH.
  • long PR interval (also called first degree heart block)
    • PR interval longer than 0.2 seconds
  • left atrial hypertrophy
    • M shaped P wave in lead II
    • P wave duration > 0.11 seconds
    • terminal negative component to the P wave in lead V1